15 January 2020 Actu'DTR

Fatima Debbah: "Innovation is at the heart of the association's challenges."

This new year of 2020 marks a turning point for The Determined. In addition to a change in the training formula, for the first time the association is launching two national classes at the same time: classes 12 and 13 with two different levels. To shed some light on these new developments, we interviewed Fatima Debbah, head of training and pedagogical support at Les Déterminés.

What's new about the selection of candidates?

Fatima Debbah : Innovation is at the heart of the Determined challenges. In 2019, we had the idea of setting up a 3-day SAS for the candidates selected by the jury, which will take place like a training course. It allows us to continue the selection process, observe the behavior of each candidate in a group and evaluate their entrepreneurial culture. This new phase allows us to create coherent and solidary groups that advocate mutual aid as a primary value.

What is new in the pace and content of the training?

F.D : Until now, the training lasted seven consecutive weeks. We have decided, since class 11, to switch to a rhythm of three intensive weeks and then two days a week.

In the old formula, our "determined" did not have time to apply what they were learning in training, and at the end of the seven weeks they had a lot of information and difficulties in classifying or reusing it.

With the new formula, we first build the foundation: candidates must be able to formalize their project and feel legitimate in their role as company managers. Then, we begin the technical aspects of the business by alternating the contributions with validation in the field.

Thus, they have time to appropriate the tools, to test them and to come back to tell us about the difficulties they encounter so that we can adapt and complete the teachings or find them a relay person who will help them capitalize.

Why did you choose to launch two national classes (classes 12 and 13) at the beginning of 2020?

F.D : The first reason is that we received many applications, nearly 300. The second reason is that the candidates we interviewed had very different levels of maturity in their projects.

Indeed, during the selection interviews, two types of profiles emerged:

In the first one, we find the young entrepreneur having a few months of existence, the project owner having tested his concept/product and the one in phase of prototyping.

In the second group, we find people who are at the stage of an idea that they would like to transform into a business creation project, candidates with an entrepreneurial motivation without a precise project and others who wish to validate the entrepreneurial feasibility of their idea.

On what criteria were the candidates from classes 12 and 13 selected?

F.D : We essentially evaluated their motivation, determination, discernment and work capacity.

What is special about these two promotions and their values?

F.D : For the first time, we have integrated pairs of partners, so that they have the same entrepreneurial culture, share the same values and thus avoid conflicts and ruptures.

Each class defines its values in the form of a motto to develop the notion of belonging. For example, for class 12 it is: PIC (Progress, Positive Impact and Courage) and never again CDI (Censorship, Defeatism and Individualism).