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Les Déterminés

Nos offres d'emploi à découvrir

CDI / FREELANCE Formateur Généraliste Entrepreneuriat
CDD Responsable Achats et Logistique
CDD / FREELANCE Formateur hôtellerie-restauration

Vous souhaitez devenir candidat, partenaire, rejoindre notre communauté d'experts ou faire un don. Contactez-nous ! Nous ne manquerons pas de vous répondre rapidement :

Pour contacter le service RH :

Founded by Moussa Camara, Les Déterminés helps develop initiative and entrepreneurship in suburban and rural areas.

The success of the entrepreneurs in these territories is fundamental because they will become role models to inspire vocations and accompany future creators themselves.

A primary factor in evaluating training candidates: determination.

Supported by sponsors (local authorities, private companies, etc.), Les Déterminés offers free training and personalized support.

    The information collected is the subject of a data-processing treatment intended to take contact with the customers wishing to have additional information on our offers. The recipient of the data is the association Les Déterminés. In accordance with the law "informatique et libertés" of January 6, 1978 modified in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting the association Les Déterminés. You may also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data concerning you.

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    BNP Paribas

    logo Medef mouvement des entreprises de France partenaire de l'association les déterminés

    Logo Carrefour